Fighting pimples: what can you do about it yourself?

Pimples can really affect your self-confidence, especially if they occur on the face. This annoying condition can sometimes be a major problem, especially in young people, because puberty can already be a difficult period. Science is not yet at the point where it can always cure acne, but it is clear that you can do a number of things to limit pimples as much as possible. It is not only due to genetic predisposition, but also to hormone fluctuations that cause an increased production of sebum that clogs the pores. What can you do yourself against these unsightly pimples?

How to get pimples

When pimples develop, the skin produces too much sebum. Sebum is an oily substance that protects your skin from dehydration. When there is an excess, the pores become clogged and acne occurs. The most common form is acne vulgaris . This causes pimples to form on the face, chest and shoulders and manifest as white or black blackheads or red spots. In a severe form of acne, cysts or hard bumps may develop, which can also be painful. Although acne is usually hereditary, it can also be caused by hormone fluctuations caused by puberty, use of the contraceptive pill, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. Pores can also be closed by using make-up. Some people get pimples from stress or sunbathing.

Fight pimples

People in puberty in particular can feel insecure due to pimples. Scientists have not yet been able to completely eradicate pimples in humans. However, you can do a number of things yourself to prevent or combat them. There are a number of products available that can combat acne and there are also a number of simple and natural remedies to use. Here are some tips against acne:


As soon as a pimple becomes visible, hold an ice cube against it for a maximum of five minutes at least twice a day. Do not hold directly against the skin, but for example in a plastic foil. Be careful with washcloths because they can contain bacteria. It is even better to cool the pimple every hour, but for most people this is difficult to achieve. The cold reduces inflammation, which reduces redness.

Benzoyl peroxide

The first step is to use a cream, lotion or gel that contains benzoyl peroxide . This substance causes mild skin irritation, causing dying skin cells to flake off more quickly. As a result, clogged pores will open more quickly. In addition, benzoyl peroxide also kills the bacteria that cause inflammation of clogged pores.

Alpha hydroxyl acid

Alpha hydroxyl acids such as glycolic acid ensure that dead skin cells are better removed, making the pores less likely to become clogged. Therefore, look for a cream, lotion or gel that contains these substances.

Aspirin or ibuprofen

The painkillers aspirin or ibuprofen are anti-inflammatory agents and they can limit acne. Do not take more than the maximum daily amount and read the package leaflet carefully. Never take these medicines for more than a few days without consulting your doctor, even if you are younger than sixteen years old.

Tea tree oil

Apply this oil to the pimples three times a day. This oil contains a substance that fights infections and promotes healing.

Gooseberry tea

If you get acne before menstruation, take one to a maximum of two cups of gooseberry tea per day. This herb helps to regulate hormone balance, but it takes a number of months before the effect is visible.


Apply lemon juice or vinegar to the pimple with a cotton pad. The acid helps to keep the pores clean.

Nutmeg and honey

Apply a mixture of honey and nutmeg to the pimple and leave it on for 20 minutes. Then rinse it off. Honey has a disinfectant effect.

Aloe vera

Apply a product containing aloe vera or squeeze the moisture from a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply it to the skin. If you want to know why aloe vera is good for your skin, click here.

Cleanse your skin

Good hygiene is important, but cleansing your skin too well can actually cause pimples. This is because sebaceous glands are stimulated to produce sebum when it is removed from the skin by cleansing. Therefore, avoid grainy skin cleansers and prefer to use disposable cleansing wipes.


For men, it is advisable to thoroughly disinfect the shaver to kill bacteria that can infect the skin.

To squeeze or not to squeeze?

It is better not to squeeze a pimple so that the skin remains closed. This prevents bacteria from entering. Some people have an irresistible urge to squeeze. If you still want to drain a pimple, thoroughly clean the skin around and on the pimple and your hands. Only do this on a ripe pimple. Provide a disinfected needle and puncture the pimple so that the pus can be removed. Dry it with a cotton ball and some hydrogen peroxide on it. Be aware that bacteria can penetrate deeper, cause more inflammation and there is a greater chance of scarring.

read more

  • The basics of skin care
  • Youth pimples: what can you do about it?
  • The skin from young to old: how the skin changes
  • Skin complaints due to menopause
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