Bite fibroma: causes lump in cheek, tongue and lower lip

Do you suffer from a bump on your lip, tongue or cheek? This may be a bite fibroma. Biting fibroma symptoms consist of a red swelling in the cheek, tongue or lower lip, which is not painful. The fibroid can become painful with frequent irritation. The fibroid may then bleed. A bite fibroma is an asymptomatic, non-painful, smooth, round or oval, pedunculated or non-pedunculated swelling up to approximately 1.5 centimeters, which is clearly visible on the buccal mucosa, the side of the tongue, the tip of the tongue or the lower lip. A bite fibroma is a benign thickening of the connective tissue. If there is any doubt about the clinical diagnosis or if the patient is bothered by the bite fibroma, it can be removed under local anesthesia.

  • Fibroma or lump in the mouth: cheek, tongue or lower lip
  • Causes of a bite fibroma
  • Symptoms of a bite fibroma
  • Phenomena
  • Scope
  • Spontaneous regression
  • Benign bump
  • Incidence
  • Examination and diagnosis
  • Treatment of a bite fibroma
  • Prognosis

Fibroma or lump in the mouth: cheek, tongue or lower lip

A bite fibroma is a benign tumor consisting of connective tissue. It often occurs in the buccal mucosa, on the side of the tongue or the tip of the tongue and the lower lip. The bite fibroma looks like a bump on your lip, tongue or cheek. Preferred locations are the buccal mucosa and the tip of the tongue. The size can vary, but rarely exceeds an inch and a half. A bite fibroma is benign.

Smoking can cause a bite fibroma / Source: Geralt, Pixabay

Causes of a bite fibroma

A biting fibroma is caused by inflammation, ulcer formation or local mechanical irritation, such as regularly biting the cheek. There are also other triggering factors, such as chronic gingivitis, poorly fitting dentures, poor oral hygiene and smoking, among others. Bad food can also be the cause of a bite fibroma. Pay close attention to what you eat and eat healthy and varied.

Symptoms of a bite fibroma


A bite fibroma manifests itself as a swelling in the cheek, lower lip or tongue (tip) and usually takes on the color of the surrounding tissue, which is pink-red. Sometimes it is slightly lighter due to relative lack of blood flow. The abnormality is usually sessile. The fibroma is round or oval, has a smooth surface and the consistency varies from soft to firm elastic. Normally a fibroid is not painful. If irritation persists, a bite fibroma may bleed slightly or become sensitive.


A fibroid usually reaches its maximum size within a few months. Rarely is it larger than an inch and a half.

Spontaneous regression

Only occasionally does a bite fibroma disappear on its own.

Benign bump

A bite fibroma has no malignant potential.


The incidence in adults is approximately 1.2%. They mainly occur in people between the ages of 20 and 60, but they can occur at any age. They are rarely seen before the age of 10. There is no preference for race or gender. They occur equally often in men and women.

Examination and diagnosis

The doctor can usually observe a bite fibroma with the naked eye and make a diagnosis. Tissue examination is often not necessary.

Treatment of a bite fibroma

If there is any doubt about the clinical diagnosis or if the patient is bothered by the bite fibroma, it can be removed under local anesthesia. After this minor procedure, the tissue is sent to the pathologist for further examination under the microscope. Furthermore, it is important to eliminate the suspected cause. In case of poor oral hygiene, it is important to take good care of your mouth.


Recurrence rarely occurs after excision. Persistence of mechanical irritation increases the risk of recurrence.

read more

  • Skin disorders AZ: symptoms, cause and treatment
  • Mouth-tongue disorders: mouth ulcers/ulcers/inflammation and pain
  • Bump on lip (lump on lip): causes and treatment

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