Pill culture in Western society: causes and consequences

Nowadays there is medication for every ailment. At the slightest physical or mental discomfort, people turn to tablets and syrups to get rid of it as quickly as possible. This form of self-medication can have serious consequences. People are losing control over pill users and medication has become an indispensable part of society these days. But is it all so innocent? What possible dangers are there?

What is pill culture?

Nowadays it is no longer surprising to think that you can take a pill for every pain or slightest discomfort. Many people believe that it is good for our body and take pills galore. But what about the addiction? The physical and psychological independence? Where have the former resources gone? In the past, people would take a day’s rest if they were not feeling well, but now they take a paracetamol and continue. Is this the solution? Or do we no longer have time to be sick?

The pressure of society

The ever-increasing pressure from society ensures that people quickly become overworked or come home from work or school stressed. Human resistance is reduced and we become ill more quickly. We don’t have time to relax in bed, so we turn to nutritional supplements, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. When there is a day off, being sick is the last thing anyone wants and this is ignored as much as possible.

Absenteeism due to illness is very high in the Western world and there are increasing numbers of people who use antidepressants, seek professional help or are at home with a burn out. The degree of stress depends on how one can deal with it and the cause of stress. Stress is necessary and increases the drive to perform, but it should not be to such an extent that it hinders performance or the capacity to deal with stress is exhausted and the body can no longer recover.

Tranquillizers such as benzodiazepines and antipsychotics are frequently used and sleeping pills are also recurring aids. In combination with psychotherapy it can have a very enlightening and healing effect, but one soon notices that one cannot do without the medication or that it is difficult to get rid of it. A well-known example of this is sleeping pills. Many people are addicted to this and find it difficult to get rid of it because they are afraid of ending up in the same situation as before. Diseases such as depression and burnout are also called the diseases of the 21st century. It is still a taboo to seek professional help, but it can certainly help and even ensure that one does not need to take antidepressants or tranquilizers.

The positive consequences

Thanks to pharmacy, various drug treatments are available, making it possible to cure or stabilize serious ailments or diseases. A well-known example of this is chemotherapy, which can serve as support in the treatment against cancer. The average life expectancy has increased partly due to these developments and a better quality of life can be achieved.

What if you still have to take medication?

It may happen that you cannot avoid it and still have to take medication. Always consider in advance whether it is really necessary or whether it is more about convenience. Some examples:

    • Motilium is an antacid and can be taken for vomiting, reflux or nausea. However, care must be taken to ensure that children under the age of 12 do not take it, as there are pediatric forms for them.
    • Taking a paracetamol can help a lot if the headache occurs in situations where it is very bothersome such as driving, meetings or other situations where concentration is required. Try to rest or be in a less busy environment before taking paracetamol. These remedies can often make the headache go away.
    • The contraceptive pill is of course a drug that is best taken if one does not wish to become pregnant. Always try to take into account that unpleasant side effects may occur or that there are increased risks of certain conditions. Everyone is familiar with the increased risk of thrombosis, especially in combination with smoking. If you still smoke, try to quit or switch to another method of contraception.

Always be alert

Medication is not sweets, so be extra vigilant when children are walking around. They investigate and soon discover the pills, which they mistake for tasty sweets. Please keep the medication in a safe place. Medicines can cure many ailments or make them more bearable, but always be aware of the (possible) side effects that may occur when used. Always go to the doctor if the side effects persist for a long time or are very serious.

Some medications should not be taken with others. Therefore, always ask your pharmacist whether they can be combined. A classic example is certain antibiotics in combination with the contraceptive pill. It is also best not to take medication with grapefruit juice. If in doubt, always read the package leaflet or ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. Try to avoid or limit self-medication as much as possible.


It is not easy to get off medication and sometimes there is no other option. Always try to reduce and stop if possible. Always do this in consultation with the doctor; some medications must be reduced slowly and should not simply be stopped overnight. The risk of unpleasant side effects is then real. Think carefully about whether you actually need the medicine, but do not take any health risks and always ask your doctor for advice.

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