Yoga poses – vrksasana (tree pose)

The correct execution of this yoga pose requires stability and a sense of balance. It takes a high level of concentration to remain steadfast in this posture. It may be helpful to keep your eyes on an object that is some distance in front of you. Or stare at an imaginary fixed point in the distance, for example in nature. Vrksasana is a classic yoga pose, listed in the Gheranda-samhita as one of the 32 best asanas. This excellent exercise for improving posture has many other health benefits. People with back problems due to fatigue can benefit greatly from vrksasana.


  • Origin of vrksasana (tree pose)
  • Technology
  • Points of attention
  • Advantages
  • Health effects of vrksasana (tree pose)
  • Therapy

Origin of vrksasana (tree pose)

The Sanskrit word ‘ vrksa ‘ means ‘tree’. Asana means ‘(sitting) posture’ and forms the third phase of the eightfold yoga path of Patanjali ( Yoga-Sutras ). Vrksasana is a classic yoga posture from hatha yoga. Just like tadasana (mountain pose), it is an exercise to improve posture.

Mental Balance
Mastering vrksasana can be difficult at first. The physical balance that is required of you at the time you perform this asana says a lot about the extent to which you are not only physically but also mentally balanced at that moment. Call it a kind of control tool.

Vrksasana (tree pose) / Source: Kennguru, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-3.0)


For many beginners it is difficult to maintain balance on one leg. Standing with your back against the wall can provide a solution.

  1. Start in tadasana (mountain pose).
  2. Bend the right knee, grasp the lower leg with the right hand and place the foot against the inside of the left thigh. Place the sole of the foot firmly against the leg, the toes just above the knee. Keep the left knee straight.
  3. As soon as you can stand on one leg without losing balance, place your hands together in namaste . Stretch the arms vertically above the head and breathe calmly into full yoga breathing. Try to keep the shoulders as low as possible.
  4. Stay in vrksasana for a few seconds to half a minute, depending on your ability to maintain balance. Focus your gaze on a fixed point in the distance.
  5. Return to tadasana (mountain pose) in reverse order and repeat this yoga pose on the left.
  6. Then relax in tadasana (mountain pose).
  7. If necessary, rest thoroughly in savasana (corpse pose).

Points of attention

This yoga pose is all about balance . Try to avoid constantly thinking about maintaining that delicate balance. Once your mind becomes preoccupied in that regard, you are more likely to fall. Everyone knows that feeling, comparable to standing close to an abyss. Stare at a fixed point some distance away. Press the foot firmly against the thigh to prevent the foot from sliding down. The foot of the standing leg is flat on the floor, as in tadasana (mountain pose).


Vrksasana strengthens the leg muscles , ankles and calves. It is also an excellent exercise for achieving physical and mental balance. If you have the following ailments and conditions, it is better to seek medical advice before starting vrksasana :

  • Insomnia.
  • Headache.
  • Low blood pressure (dizziness).
  • High bloodpressure.

OM symbol / Source: Brenkee, Pixabay

Health effects of vrksasana (tree pose)

The effect on health mainly concerns finding the physical and mental balance necessary in daily life. The Gheranda-samhita , the age-old classic textbook on hatha yoga , also mentions this posture in its list of 32 best yoga postures.


According to yoga manuals, vrksasana has a therapeutic and supportive, but not necessarily curative, effect on the following complaints, ailments and conditions:

  • Poor sense of balance, also mental instability.
  • Sciatica.
  • Bad posture.
  • Back problems (tired back muscles).
  • Stress.

read more

  • Yoga (asanas) for beginners and advanced
  • Breathing exercises (pranayama) for beginners and advanced students
  • History of yoga – the concepts of yoga and yogi
  • Yoga poses – ardha baddha padmottanasana
  • Yoga poses – tadasana (mountain pose)

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