Hemorrhoids; natural remedies

Hardly anyone talks about hemorrhoids. Some people have their partner push a whole bunch of hemorrhoids into the anus every night before going to sleep. Then they bleed less quickly and the bed does not get as dirty. Men and women both suffer equally from hemorrhoids. If a hemorrhoid bursts, it can bleed so heavily that you can bleed through underwear and trousers. This does not have to be accompanied by pain. Of course, a blood stain in your pants from a bleeding hemorrhoid is a very embarrassing sight. By the way, it does not necessarily have to be the case that hemorrhoids always bleed. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • General information
  • Causes of hemorrhoids
  • Eating too much
  • Stomach disorders
  • Hip bath with oak bark
  • Balkan recipe

General information

There are internal and external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are inside the anus and external hemorrhoids hang just outside. If you have a red bump or blue bump near the anus, it is usually a hemorrhoid. Most people are ashamed of a hemorrhoid, especially if there is an erotic relationship. Hemorrhoids are annoying because they can itch and burst and then lose blood. To prevent bursting and itching, it is good to rub them with greasy oil such as marigold ointment or hoop oil. Hemorrhoids are red, blue or black. If they are blue or black it is because the veins have burst and there is blood in them. Hemorrhoids can grow quite large, a lump about the size of a chocolate Easter egg. Usually hemorrhoids disappear on their own, but that does not always happen.

Causes of hemorrhoids

It is important to find out the different causes of hemorrhoids to reduce the chance of them developing.

  • Eating too much: When the blood does not flow back to the heart well enough, it can get stuck and a bulge occurs. The principle is somewhat similar to varicose veins, which have the same cause. Overcrowded intestines push against the veins and ensure that blood has less room to flow freely. The accumulation of blood is a cause of hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy is a condition in which the veins become congested. This causes the blood to flow less well. This is why pregnant women relatively often suffer from hemorrhoids.
  • Liver disease, kidney disease and heart disease can all lead to the development of hemorrhoids. In the case of the liver and kidneys, they normally remove waste products. If these do not work properly, this leads to the temporary storage of waste products in the blood and therefore more fluid storage in the blood. The capacity of the cores remains the same. Therefore, the increased volume of blood can flow less easily and congestion can occur in the veins, which is reflected in the formation of hemorrhoids.
  • Incorrect sitting habits are a major cause of hemorrhoids. People with a sedentary job are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids. When you sit on a hard chair, you automatically tense your glutes. This tightening causes the muscles to push against the veins. That is a cause of difficulty in blood flow.
  • Sitting on a soft chair is no guarantee that you will not get hemorrhoids. Blood flows in greater numbers to places where it is warm. The pad creates a lot of heat, causing an abundance of blood to flow to the anus. This blood congestion is a cause of hemorrhoids.
  • Squatting is not a good position for the anus; Even then, blood rushes to the anus, which can lead to hemorrhoid formation.
  • If you are sitting on the toilet and you suffer from constipation, you have to strain extra hard. The problem with this is that you exert enormous effort on your muscles, which leads to an overload on the veins.
  • Quit smoking. Strangely enough, people who quit smoking often suffer from hemorrhoids. It is not entirely clear why this happens, but it probably has to do with a changing digestive system. When you smoke, especially the first cigarette of the day, you have a strong urge to go to the toilet. You have programmed your body to relieve pressure after smoking. Stopping smoking deregulates the body and temporarily causes constipation. Constipation is a cause of hemorrhoids because people with constipation spend longer on the toilet and then have to strain harder.

Eating too much

We have seen that overeating leads to hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids and know that you eat too much, it is wise to lighten your meals. eat less highly digestible fat and more products that contain water, such as cucumber, tomato, melon, lettuce and peppers. Tea that has a laxative effect is also an excellent remedy. Buckthorn or buckthorn is one of the most laxative herbs available. Meat is always a clogging product, just like white flour. It is wise not to eat these products, but that is too difficult for most. Know that fiber is very healthy for digestion. Caraway is also extra good for digestion. You can drink a tea made from a tablespoon of caraway to combat constipation.

Stomach disorders

Stomach disorders are an important cause. Eating too much causes overload of the stomach and intestines. It is important to only eat food that guarantees good transit. An old remedy to promote digestion is to start the day in the morning with a glass of diluted apple cider vinegar. Fatty food is not smart. What is especially good is fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. You do not have to switch to a vegetarian diet immediately, but it is good to know that a vegetarian diet is easily digestible.

Hip bath with oak bark

A sitz bath with oak bark is one of the options to combat hemorrhoids. Some doctors say that you can make a tea from oak bark and that you have to sit in it for fifteen minutes. Other doctors say that a few minutes is enough and there are also doctors who report that a few seconds is enough.

You can treat an external hemorrhoid as follows: You can rub the affected area with apple cider vinegar. This reduces the swelling of the hemorrhoid. Apply apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and gently rub the hemorrhoid.

Balkan recipe

In the Balkans equal parts of shepherd’s purse, broom blossom, angelica and honey clover are used. This is cooked in wine. You can store the obtained natural medicine in a bottle. A little of this mixture is put on a cotton ball. and applies it to the anus. Make sure your bed doesn’t get wet because it will stain.

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