Filling gaps between teeth

Everyone wants perfect teeth where the teeth fit together nicely and directly. In reality, however, this is often not the case. A gap between the two front teeth is especially striking and is not seen as very attractive. Besides the fact that such a gap between the teeth is not attractive, it is also not hygienic, because food can easily remain between the teeth. Various ways have been devised to remedy the gaps between the teeth. Which method is suitable for you depends on your personal situation.

Item classification

  • Causes of a gap between the teeth
  • An orthodontic brace
  • Veneers for a gap between the teeth
  • A composite connection

Causes of a gap between the teeth

There are many possible causes for the development of a gap between the teeth. The first and most logical cause for the development of a gap between the teeth is genetic predisposition. A child gets the jawline and jaw arch from his or her mother or father and this can mean that someone is more or less predisposed to a gap between the teeth. The second common cause of a gap between the teeth is grinding your teeth during sleep. This grinding puts a lot of pressure on the teeth and they are, as it were, driven apart. The third possible cause is pushing the tongue out while eating. This reflex puts a lot of pressure on mainly the front teeth and that can again drive the teeth apart. Before you consider treatment, it is important that you determine whether you have a bad habit that causes a gap between the teeth. If you have such a habit, it is better to unlearn it, otherwise there is no point in treatment.

An orthodontic brace

The first option for filling a gap between the teeth is to have braces fitted. Getting orthodontic braces is the best solution for achieving beautiful teeth without gaps between the teeth. However, the brace does cause a lot of discomfort and it also takes a long time before an effect is visible. However, the effect that is achieved is lasting and certainly worth it.

Veneers for a gap between the teeth

It is also possible to fill a gap between your teeth with veneers. These are small shields or plates made of composite or porcelain that are glued to the teeth. These plates give your teeth a much nicer appearance and imperfections such as a gap between the front teeth can be eliminated. When the veneers are placed, a thin layer of enamel is sanded off the teeth for better adhesion. Impressions are then made of your teeth to have the actual plates made to measure. Temporary veneers are usually applied during this production process. Many people have composite veneers applied because it is cheaper than porcelain. Composite gives good results, but porcelain usually gives the most beautiful result possible. It is also possible to first have composite veneers applied and then have porcelain applied after a certain time.

A composite connection

The composite bond is one of the most commonly used and popular ways to fill a gap between the teeth. The dentist will start by thoroughly cleaning the front teeth and then etch the sides of both front teeth. Etching involves applying a liquid that roughens the enamel on the side of the front teeth. The substance is then washed away and a special type of glue is applied. This glue is also called bonding and the adhesion of this bonding is strengthened by shining the bonding with a special blue light. The composite is then applied to the sides of the teeth, closing the gap between the front teeth. The composite bond is then illuminated with the blue dentist’s light to improve the bond of the composite to the front teeth. Finally, it is possible that the dentist will grind and polish the front teeth.

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  • Straighten teeth without braces

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