Lose weight & lose weight through Yoga exercises!

Yoga is a ‘sport’ or way of life, which has existed in the eastern part of the world for more than four thousand years. Yoga is becoming increasingly popular in the West. People are discovering the benefits of yoga. Besides the fact that it provides much more peace, living in the ‘now’, it can also help you lose weight. Not everyone takes yoga classes, you can also practice yoga in other ways by watching DVDs or videos on YouTube. Nintendo Wii even released a yoga game. Can you really lose weight through yoga? How much weight can you lose? Read all about losing weight through Yoga here!

What is yoga?

Yoga originated in India about four thousand years ago. The yoga exercises that you perform are originally intended to enter a deep state of meditation. The exercises are also called asanas. By combining physical exercises, breathing and concentration, people search for the unity of body and mind. It creates balance between your mind and your consciousness. In addition, yoga provides relaxation, energy and strength. It is a way to completely unwind with yourself. It ensures that you are more balanced and that you can also cope better with today’s busy life.

Yoga is not about having to perform, it is about performing the exercise you are performing just enough so that it feels just right. You will notice that you will get to know your limits, because with yoga you get to know your body and you learn how far you can go in the exercises. The asanas don’t have to be difficult. At the beginning you will practice the basic asanas, which do not require much flexibility or strength. The difficulty of the asanas increases as you need it. There are different forms of yoga, of which these are the three most popular:

  • Hatha yoga
  • Power yoga
  • Kundalini yoga

Hatha yoga

Hatha represents the sun (ha) and the moon (tha). The sun represents action and the moon represents internalization. These two concepts come together in Hatha. In Hatha, the emphasis is mainly on controlling the body and breathing. There are various breathing techniques within this form of yoga. This form of yoga is not about whether something is wrong or right. You are a spectator of the things that happen and acceptance is important. The asanas performed are mainly non-moving. Meditation can also be discussed. Your body becomes more flexible, it helps reduce stress and it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and organs.

Power yoga

This form of yoga focuses on asanas that involve a lot of movement.
Your entire body is involved in the exercises you perform. All kinds of physical asanas are performed one after the other. These exercises together form one series. One series consists of approximately 40 exercises. You use different breathing techniques during the exercises. Power yoga makes you feel calmer, fitter and more energetic. It is an intensive form of yoga that also trains your muscles. Your physical strength, mental strength, fitness and balance increase. Power yoga is very suitable for losing weight. It is one of the more intensive forms of yoga, which burns a lot of calories.

Kundalini yoga

This form of yoga is based on the spiritual power that is present in humans. It is one of the most powerful forms of yoga, and it is also very versatile. The exercises ensure that your senses relax and energy flows better through your body. It’s a workout for your body, mind and soul. This form of yoga uses exercises, breathing techniques, chanting mantras, mudras and meditation.

How much weight can you lose through yoga?

In Seattle, United States, a study was conducted on BMI among 300 adults. This showed that people who practice yoga have a lower BMI than people who do not practice yoga. People who practice yoga have a BMI of 2.7 points lower. When you walk for an hour, you burn about 250 calories. When you do yoga exercises, you burn an average of 260 calories per hour. Yoga can help you lose weight, but there are also other ways that are more effective at losing weight. Yet yoga has many other benefits than just losing weight.

  • Yoga is not a quick way to lose weight, but it is a healthy and conscious way of losing weight.
  • The burning of fat is started by performing the asanas and breathing techniques. This stimulates your heart rate, fat burning and blood circulation, causing you to lose more weight.
  • The muscle tissue burns a lot of calories at rest. This also burns calories when you do nothing.
  • Yoga reduces stress and reduces depression. If you suffer from binge eating, yoga can reduce this. You feel better, you accept yourself faster and you have more control over yourself.
  • Yoga improves breathing. This gives you more energy, so you can stay active longer. This is because you absorb more oxygen into your blood through breathing techniques.
  • The thyroid gland is stimulated when you do yoga. This organ ensures good metabolism. When metabolism improves, blood flow is stimulated. This means less fat is stored and you burn fat.

Make yoga your lifestyle

Through yoga you learn to gain control over your body and mind. You learn to accept yourself and stress less. Yoga is addictive because it gives such good results. Yoga often changes your lifestyle and therefore also your eating habits. The danger of dieting is that you can relapse. This is not the case with yoga. When you practice yoga you will be less likely to suffer from this. You can better protect yourself against a relapse because you are aware of your body. In addition, the yoga lifestyle also involves healthy nutrition. It is about natural, more conscious and healthier living and this mainly involves food that is natural and healthy.

The chance of binge eating decreases because you are less stressed. Most people who experience binge eating binge eat due to stress. If yoga is good for anything, it is reducing stress. Yoga has a relaxing effect. People who practice yoga are aware that they are hungry and they are also aware of when they have eaten enough. This is because they are much more in touch with their bodies. This gives them more control over their eating habits: what and how much they eat. You will then not eat when you are stressed, to comfort yourself or when you feel depressed.

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