Teeth grinding: during sleep and during the day

Teeth grinding: during sleep, in babies and children, mouthguards. Teeth grinding can happen consciously or unconsciously, the latter usually happening during sleep. Prolonged grinding of teeth can cause damage to teeth. Young children may already have this habit. It is then important to do something about this, even if it occurs later in life.

What is teeth grinding?

Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, is the sliding of the lower and upper jaw over each other. This creates a grinding sound because the teeth are pushed over each other. Teeth grinding can happen consciously, but it is usually unconscious.

Who suffers from teeth grinding?

Teeth grinding can occur in anyone, but is most commonly seen in young children and people with tension. Very young children, often under 1 year old, can start grinding their teeth as soon as the first teeth have emerged. They rub the upper and lower teeth, no matter how few there are, over each other with force. This causes a very unpleasant sound for the parents. Parents are often also concerned about damage to the teeth. For most babies, this is a phase and the teeth grinding will stop on its own. Not paying attention to it helps with this. Teeth grinding usually returns as soon as new teeth emerge. But this teeth grinding also disappears again.

Teeth grinding is also common in people with inner tension. This can be during the day, but also during sleep. During the day, people are more often aware of teeth grinding because others react to it. Finally, teeth grinding can also occur due to dental abnormalities.

Teeth grinding also occurs in young children: toddlers, preschoolers and teenagers. Often this is also a phase in the child’s life, and it will stop on its own. The grinding of teeth is probably due to the exertions the child has experienced during the day. Learning and discovering everything sometimes brings inner unrest. Sometimes these children also sweat during sleep. Teeth grinding can also occur as a result of sleep problems.

According to British research, grinding teeth is a sign of the times: the recession and all the consequences of doing so are making many people concerned. Stress and inner unrest sometimes results in teeth grinding.

Consequences of teeth grinding

Grinding your teeth during sleep can often cause jaw pain and headaches during the day. This is due to the tension associated with teeth grinding. Ear pain, pain in the neck and shoulders can also occur as a result of teeth grinding. Teeth can also be damaged by grinding the teeth. This can cause pieces of a tooth or knees to break off, the tooth to split in half or stumps to form.

Sometimes the person himself does not notice the grinding of the teeth. However, there may be tension in the jaws during the day. This is noticeable when one is doing something that requires great concentration: the jaw muscles look tense, the mouth is closed tightly. By consciously relaxing the jaw muscles every now and then, you will notice the difference between tense and relaxed jaw muscles.


In case of dental abnormalities, these will have to be corrected with braces. Only then can the teeth grinding stop. When experiencing inner tension, it is important to tackle stress and tension. Sedatives can provide relief from great stress. In most cases, children grow out of teeth grinding.

If grinding your teeth causes damage, wearing a mouthguard is recommended. This can be measured at the dentist. There are also ready-made mouthguards for sale, but these often do not fit properly. They are cheaper than a custom-made mouthguard.

Consciously grinding your teeth is often an expression of displeasure, anger or powerlessness. Although people are aware of teeth grinding, it is often a habit that is difficult to break and that arises from habit. A habit is often not noticed, just as picking your nose or blinking a lot is also a habit. It helps to consciously relax the jaw muscles in case of issues such as powerlessness or anger. Do not press the molars together, but hold the teeth slightly apart, which relaxes the muscles. Talking also helps to prevent teeth grinding.

Melatonin can help with sleep problems: this is a hormone, usually made synthetically, that promotes sleep. If the sleeping problems are persistent and long-lasting, you can switch to stronger sleeping tablets.

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